Showing posts with label walking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label walking. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Five Favorites (Vol. 4)

Welcome to today's link up with the fabulous Hallie for......

- 1 -
Walks with Leo
Not sure if he's flexing for the camera or not...
 Simply put, Leo loves being outside. If he is being fussy all it takes is stepping onto the patio to calm him down. The other day he was being very difficult when it came time to take his bottle but he was hungry so what was a mama to do? Take him outside and feed him out there. BAM! Instant success. I sure don't mind the exercise either!

- 2 -
Garage Sales

For some reason we have an abundance of clothing that covers almost every age bracket up to 2T, but barely anything in the 3-6 months range. And as it happens, that is exactly where Leo is now and the winter sleepers aren't quite cut out for this weather. So I hopped onto Craigslist and searched for Garage Sales and lo and behold, I found one near(ish)by and Leo and I went to investigate. It was an absolute goldmine of 3-6 month clothing in great condition! I practically skipped home (in my car......).
- 3 - 

OK, I made a huge mistake a few weeks ago. I had a donut. OK, I had two donuts. From a local bakery. It was the beginning of the end. Since then I am not entirely sure how many donuts I have had and truth be told I don't want to try and figure it out. All I know is that I love them and wish they were for breakfast every day. And maybe lunch. And dinner. And dessert. Please?

- 4 - 
Free Boxes
Thankfully this is a google image, not what our apt looks like (yet)
With the move changing from the end of July to the end of June (yay/what?!) we are in packing mode around here. While it is a pain to buy packing tape it is just straight up unthinkable to purchase moving boxes. They are pricey as all get out and we need things on the cheap thank you very much! So Ben went around to the local liquor stores and voila! We have a bunch of sturdy, good-sized boxes for free! 
- 5 -

In my last Five Favorites post I mentioned a 10 minute workout that I really liked. I got it off of the website above and have been doing a circuit workout every other day that I got off of that website as well. I love it! The first time I did it I was whining like a baby and Ben had to talk me through it. I felt like I was going to die. Then I did it again. That time I used my own stopwatch (20 seconds rest between each exercise max) and was my own motivator. As much as I hate exercise I love getting it done and staying committed. That website has tons of different workouts (in print and video) and they are all free (my favorite). 

~ Happy Wednesday ~

Friday, February 1, 2013

7 Quick Takes

Well, it seems like this late business is becoming a trend! Really I have no excuse this time. I could have written this yesterday and had it posted right on time. The truth is I don't even remember what I did instead! How absurd is that?

I don't own a cat and I'm not blond, but otherwise it seems spot on.

1. The Recipe Post : As I mentioned before I am planning on starting a blog/post series pertaining to recently tried recipes. I have tried my hand at a fair few new ones lately so I am really looking forward to it! Because I'm scatterbrained and forgetful as all get out these days I did manage to forget to take any pictures of said recipes... So the pictures that will accompany my post(s) may not be pictures of what I personally made. Don't worry, though - I won't choose photos that make it look like I belong on Iron Chef (is that a thing?).

2. Work : This past Wednesday marked my last day as a crisis pregnancy counselor with the Women's Care Center, a job that I have held for the past 2 1/2 years. My coworkers bought me a lovely (and delicious!) cake and baby gifts and even some of my clients stopped by to say goodbye. I think I will have to devote an entire post to express what the past 2 1/2 years have meant to me and how they have affected me. Here's hoping I remember to do it! 

3. Home : Now that I am not employed my time is spent putzing around the apartment, washing and folding laundry that doesn't even necessarily need it (seriously, I am redefining what a "small" load of laundry is), penning a few thank you notes (really I should be devoting ALL my time to this!), and scanning the internet. My relationship with the internet is somewhat like a desperate girl waiting for her crush to call... I don't really know what I'm waiting for or expecting but man, it's gonna be AWESOME! 

New email?! I don't even care that it's junk! HOOBOY!
4. Shopping : Now that I have successfully signed up for WIC shopping is a much more intense experience. I only had to go up and down the aisles 29 times before I successfully retrieved everything on my list. Just so you understand how truly ridiculous that is, when I write my list I break it down by aisle. In other words, I have NO EXCUSE! 

5. Job Search : My incredible and amazing husband is finishing up his doctorate and on the job market. As everyone on Planet Earth knows, said market is not terribly friendly these days. Still, he has managed to snag a couple interviews and that is super awesome! The interview that I happen to be the most insanely excited about is scheduled over a period of three days this month. It is out of state so he will have to leave me for that stretch of time. This wouldn't be an issue at all except for the little niggling bit where that happens to be four days before my due date. I mentioned this to my doctor today and he informed that, as it happens, he also will be out of town for those days....... What!?! I was ordered not to go into labor until after they both have returned. I feel like we ought to use sign language while discussing this because I just bet you that Leo is listening, a knowing smile on his cherubic face, and making plans of his own. Prayers on the job hunt and delivery are appreciated all around! 

6. Tea vs. Coffee : Over the course of the pregnancy I have lost my taste for coffee. This is kind of a big deal. Before I became pregnant I had a minimum of 3 cups of coffee every day. I have become obsessed with Red Raspberry Leaf tea, however, and prefer it over coffee like I prefer Double Stuffed Oreos over beets (I hate beets, just in case that was not clear). The analogy is not perfect because I do not actually hate coffee... I just don't care for it that much. I am hopeful that my love for java will return after delivery and that I will return to my previous state --> 

They're missing the carafe full of creamer and bucket of sugar I require....

7. Weather : Ben and I have been quite good about getting outside and walking throughout the pregnancy. We have braved frigid temperatures, biting winds, and even falling snow on occasion. But the recent weather patterns here in South Bend/Mishawaka have proven to be too much (even for us) and so I have had to resort to exercising with my good friend Leslie Sansone. Yeah, she's crazy annoying. I don't know how anyone that pathologically positive is allowed to make an exercise DVD but she's done it, man. The exercise on her DVDs is great for someone like me because all it really involves is walking in place, with occasional additions thrown in to spice things up. I am actually so uncoordinated that I cannot include the arm exercises she tries to incorporate, but otherwise I can keep up (me and the other 60-80 year olds walking with her. no, seriously). Anyways, since it is as basic as exercise routines go I can mute the video and play my Pandora stations in the background. HUGE difference! So, in other words, the weather really needs to improve. ASAP. 

Now, go check out Jen, Ana, and the others 7 Quick Takers! 

~ Happy Friday ~

Friday, December 14, 2012

7 Quick Takes

In the event that you have ever stumbled upon my blog before then you know that the real women you want to be reading are Jen, my amazing sister-in-law, my other amazing sister-in-law, and Grace. If you are still here and reading, however, I really ought to provide some new material. Here goes....

1. Weather : Ben and I currently live in the magical region of Michiana, where forecasters and weather channels use the phrase "Lake Effect" practically year-round. I find it to be a cute euphemism for "Freaking Unpredictable Weather That Will Ruin Your Life." It usually results in lots of shifting snow, cold and strong winds, etc. Usually by this time of year it is in full swing and making our lives miserable. It seems, however, that we are getting an absolutely delightful reprieve this season. We have had barely any snow and today's temperature reached all the way up to 44°F ! I believe I deserve a little credit for this. Not many other individuals took the time to empty dozens of aerosol cans into the air and do their part to further Global Warming, but I sure did! You're welcome.

2. Fitness : Despite the more moderate temperatures and lack of massive snowfall, Ben and my nightly walks around the apartment complex do take place after the sun has gone down. The drop in temperature paired with the wind requires more extensive preparation and layering. I have overly sensitive ears. Perhaps I had a lot of ear infections as a kid or maybe I'm just a wuss (likely) but even in the Summer I have to wear a protective covering if there is even just a gentle breeze. Ridiculous. Anyways, below is a picture that depicts the measures I have had to take as of late in order to keep our nightly walks possible.

No, I can't see

3. Babies 'R Us : My incredible in-laws visited us this past Sunday and took us to Babies 'R Us. I had never been there before and was therefore completely unprepared for what was in store (literally) for me. I probably could have spent HOURS and God knows how much money there! Seriously, I never realized what a complete sap I am. Just so you know I had to consult my husband regarding the previous sentence to see whether or not I should say "I am" or "I was" regarding my sap status. He thought it over and said that since I am still rather a sap I should use the present tense. I'd be offended if it weren't so darn true....
4. Baby : Speaking of babies, I feel like I would be remiss if I did not have at least one take dedicated to mine. Luckily there is not too much to report. I am hopeful that this will not change until I am deemed full term and go into labor. He is as active as ever (I sometimes refer to him as a human pinball) and when a coworker of mine did my ultrasound (yes, another one!) the other day she could not believe that he was able to move as much as he did, given the general lack of room. You see, Kiddo does not just make one or two movements. No, he issues forth multiple waves of attack that seem to hit every imaginable point. It has happened on more than one occasion that while doing an intake with a client his kicks have bounced the clipboard off my lap. One thing that I find absurdly adorable is that during our nightly reading the baby moves far more when Ben is reading rather than when I do.

5. Nausea : there has been a rather noticeable increase in nausea lately. I am not sure whether or not it is due to Kiddo's movement, hormone levels, or the fact that I simply cannot eat small amounts at a time. I can out-eat almost anyone. While I never watched Sesame Street while growing up, I have always felt a strong kinship with this guy -->

Including Our Crazy Eyes & Facial Expressions

The only real difference between us is that I do not limit myself to cookies. My solution thus far has been to complain, curl up in the fetal position, and pop Tums like they're going out of style (which, incidentally, I think they did quite a while ago). Please feel free to provide theories or advice. I am referring, of course, to the resurgence in nausea and not my bizarre coping mechanisms.

6. Google Maps : Google Maps is a wonderful free service that helps provide individuals with interactive maps and easy-to-use directions. That is, unless I am the individual using it. I seem to have a real knack for misreading both maps and directions and this has proven to be a gigantic annoyance in the past week. This past weekend I needed to go to the AT&T store. I knew there was one at the Mall just a few minutes away but I also knew there were other stores nearby and they would not have the sort of holiday traffic that would be present at the Mall. I looked up another AT&T location and got directions from Google Maps. After driving around aimlessly for over 30 minutes I sank into an angry sort of despair and was forced to pull over and use my phone to get to my desired destination. This happened today with the post office. Much anger and frustration followed. If only updating Garmin maps were free......

7. Reading : Ben and I finished reading The Hobbit in under a week. Even though we have both read it several times before it was hard to put down and finishing it was as bittersweet as ever. We have moved on to one of his favorite childhood series, The Chronicles of Prydain. This is the first time I have encountered this series and do not share the sense of nostalgia that Ben has. Consequently I am more prone to *ahem* making fun of characters, exposition, etc. It has come to my attention that greater sensitivity may be needed, especially because my hope is that the next series we read is the one that I grew up reading - The Exitorn Adventures. I have had a good deal of trouble locating reasonably priced copies, however, so it could be that my plans are thwarted.... Here's hoping!