Friday, December 28, 2012

7 Quick Takes

Due to traveling and lack of access to my laptop blogging has been a little bit more difficult over the past several days. This is why I will most-likely not be able to post my "What I Wore Christmas" exclusive until Sunday (my sincere apologies - I know how you all have been waiting and reloading my page over and over in the hopes that it would appear). This is also why my "7 Quick Takes" for today will, for once, be mercifully brief!

1. Merry Christmas! I hope yours was filled with joy and blessings and devoid of sickness. We celebrated Christmas with my side of the family on Christmas Eve evening (the earlier portion of the day was devoted to celebrating my mom's birthday which happens to fall on the 24th of December every year without fail - poor planning, that). We woke up at 5:45 AM on Christmas morning and were on the road by 6:30 AM so that we could celebrate Christmas day with Ben's side of the family. We were spared from both bad weather and traffic and arrived in good time, albeit somewhat delirious.

2. While this is our first year experiencing Christmas as a married couple, it is our second year splitting the holiday between our respective families. We are very blessed to have families who are so understanding and flexible regarding our availability and schedule.

3. Due to the fact that we would be away from home and traveling throughout Christmas, Ben and I celebrated our own little Christmas on St. Nicholas Day - an idea that we stole borrowed from my awesome brother and sister-in-law. We exchanged gifts and had a lovely dinner with Michael, Ana, and the girls. It is a wonderful tradition that I imagine we will continue until we are forced/privileged to celebrate Christmas on Christmas Day.

4. The generosity of our families is always something that amazes me and this year was no exception. I am now the proud owner of my very own Ergobaby! Ben and I have already discussed how this will enable to do all sorts of fun things with our Little One. We aren't limiting ourselves to hiking and traipsing about, however - the Ergobaby provides us with an excellent opportunity to see how good our aim really is AND how bouncy babies truly are! Ok, no not really. Hang up the phone and stop trying to call CPS.

5. Because we are absolute Catholic nerds, two of the coolest gifts that we received were the Catholic Latin Classics CD and a really awesome book on the Saints (it is tucked away in our car and for the life of me I cannot remember the actual name of the book or find it on the internet). The CD was the only music we listened to on our drive to Ben's family and it was just perfect for Christmas morning!

6. When I have my doctor appointment next week I plan to ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to stand on the scale facing forward. If the nurse happens to tell me what number appears on the scale I will promptly deck her in the face, flee the office, and comfort myself with sugar cookies and ice cream. That is to say, the whole diet thing hasn't quite gone according to plan over our holiday break. I plan on spending the remainder of the pregnancy doing penance, sticking to healthy foods, and moving for more than 30 seconds at a time. Maybe.


Now please do yourself a major favor and head over to check out Jen and all of the other peeps who actually have posts worth reading!

~ Happy Friday ~

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